4.2 – Gables and copings – 2. Types of construction of the drip tray 289 4.2. 2. TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIP TRAY When designing the geometry of the drip tray it is important to take into account the surface adhesion forces that hinder the detachment of water from the metal surface. Water flowing along a vertical surface will tend to stick to the surface even when it changes direction; the detachment of water molecules from the curved surface occurs when it reaches the point where the weight of the water (mass * gravity) is greater than the surface adhesion force. The surface adhesion force varies from metal to metal, and with it therefore, with the same geometry, the point of detachment also varies. From the moment of detachment, due to its speed of flow, the water film continues along a tangential direction and according to a parabolic path that tends to bring it towards the wall. Meteoric water (water film on the surface of the metal) The image shows the detail of the drip tray whose shape is unfavorable for the removal of water from the façade. Types of drip trays Boxed drip tray. Drip tray with angular closure. Drip tray with pressed closure. ≥ 20 ≥ 20 ≥ 5 ≥ 20 EXCERPT