ating in a globalized market with demanding and well-informed clients — to take matters into their own hands. Zintek did just that twenty years ago, when it opened its Tinsmithery School and began training its own installers. At the time, titanium-zinc was a relatively unknownmaterial in Italy, so Zintek needed skilled professionals who could install it anywhere and inline with project requirements. For a long time, the school, based in Venice Porto Marghera, was one of the leading training centres for sheet metal workers in the entire country. It provided opportunities to learn technical and business skills, and fostered partnerships between Zintek and participants. As well as producing titanium-zinc, the company also offers on-site SUPPORT in Italy, providing teams of qualified installers. Opening the Tinsmithery School meant Zintek could immediately guarantee its customers a comprehensive set of services, giving it an undoubted advantage over its competitors. It offered specialist courses in roofing, façades, and an accredited Zintek installation technician programme — each one pairing classroom-based lessons with lab-based exercises. Participants 45 vocational education EXCERPT