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Of course, it’s relatively easy to follow the principles of sustainable architecture when a building is new, but what happens if it’s an old one, set in a protected historic landmark? Take, for example, the energy refurbishment of the Edizioni Messaggero Padova headquarters. The architects opted for zintek® roofing, in a shade of grey close to the colour of the domes in the Sant’Antonio Basilica, blending in with the surroundings with no chromatic aberrations, and thereby meeting one of the client’s many specifications. Other benefits include improved energy EFFICIENCY for sum- mer air conditioning and winter heating, glare and irradiance correction in office spaces, and reduced frequency of inconvenient and expensive repairs. The whole Zintek package — titanium-zinc zintek® coupled with an insulatingand transpiring substructure — met all the requirements: the coverings solved the infiltration problems with less maintenance, and energy efficiency increased, saving 45–70% for winter heating. edizioni messaggero padova Padua, Italy Project: Dario e Mion Architetti studio Roof coatings: natural titanium-zinc zintek® slats 33 EXCERPT