art and industry can change the way design is conceived. The chapels have been built in a contemporary shape, afar from the classical iconography of sacred places, shedding light to the seminal discussion for Venice on how contemporary structures should be introduced in its uniquehistorical centre. According to Renata Codello, Secretary of the Giorgio Cini Foundation (head over to page 16 to read the interview she gave us), it is important to understand the Venetian context at large. The visual impact of anewwork shouldbe alignedwith the peculiarity of the environment and the lagoon, as well as the functionality of the building itself. The choice of materials should have the right balance between innovation and tradition, with a compatibility to the context and the number of peoplewhichwill benefit from it. By studying the context, it is possible to learn which are the right tools to work in the city of Venice and its landscape, rather than on them. Any manufacturer approaching Venice and its environment needs to focus on the production process, to learn from the local traditions and be able to re-interpret them in a contemporary manner. Centring the project solely on the characteristics of the product they 11 Etage Noble EXCERPT